Explaining IvoryPay’s Payment Solutions for Businesses

For smart businesses, accepting payments should not be a cumbersome task, and the entire payment process should be simple, swift, and straightforward for customers. In addition, forward-thinking businesses should be able to offer customers different means of completing their transactions.

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  • Businesses that deploy IvoryPay as their payment gateway could choose from a variety of options that the platform offers
  • Businesses could deploy IvoryPay’s checkout integration, payment link, QR code, and payment button to accept payment at the convenience of business and their customers
  • Businesses could also accept payments in any of the stablecoins available on IvoryPay, this is in addition to the platform’s native token, IVRY

Multiple Payment Options on IvoryPay

One of the foremost advantages that IvoryPay offers online businesses is the ability to accept payments and conclude transactions by deploying different payment options on their platform. Clients could choose to integrate IvoryPay’s checkout into their platform. This could prove quite useful for eCommerce platforms where customers sometimes need to add multiple items to their cart while running through offerings on the platform.

IvoryPay also offers businesses the option to accept payments using a payment button that could be embedded under an item that is up for sale. They could also choose to accept payment using a link, or a QR code.

Clients can also choose to deploy a combination, or all of these options on their platform as they deem fit. ivoryPay’s main priority is for clients to successfully offer their customers the most convenient means of payment, an offering that could improve overall customer experience, retain customers, and increase clients’ revenue over time.

Accepting Payments in Stable Cryptocurrencies

IvoryPay can be deployed by online businesses anywhere around the world but its tends to focus more on businesses in emerging markets across Africa, Asia, and the Americas. For this reason, IvoryPay ensures that businesses accept payments in currencies that are considered stable and reliable in the long run. This helps businesses to beat inflation and other factors that could affect payments.

Also, stablecoin ensures that IvoryPay partner platforms can easily make transactions and attend to customers from any part of the world. Specifically, IvoryPay helps businesses process cryptocurrencies that are pegged to the US Dollars (USD). For now, the platform processes USDC, USDT, and DAI, in addition to the platform’s IVRY native token.

The Bigger Picture

Businesses in emerging markets are laden with a lot of potential but they are usually faced with barriers to payments. Ivorypay’s aim is to eliminate these barriers by offering a platform that helps them reach out to the world. With IvoryPay, small and large-scale businesses across the world will make revenues that are inflation-proof, while reaching a global audience that can make payments without the usual barriers to payments.


IvoryPay’s ecosystem is a robust architecture that helps businesses drive sustainability and long-term relevance by helping them meet their customers’ payment needs using multiple payment options that could be deployed seamlessly. It is no gainsaying to state that IvoryPay is the best option for all businesses that wish to enhance user experience and improve revenue.

To learn more about IvoryPay, feel free to use the links below

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